티스토리 태그
- 한빛미디어
- Kinect
- Expression Blend 4
- Policy Gradient
- 강화학습
- Windows Phone 7
- 파이썬
- Kinect SDK
- arduino
- SketchFlow
- PowerPoint
- Offline RL
- Off-policy
- 딥러닝
- Variance
- windows 8
- End-To-End
- RL
- Pipeline
- TensorFlow Lite
- Gan
- bias
- DepthStream
- ColorStream
- Kinect for windows
- Distribution
- reward
- dynamic programming
- processing
- ai
- Python
- mujoco
- SimpleOpenNI
- Windows 8 Consumer Preview
- 키넥트
- unity3d
- policy
- optimization
- 인공지능
- 파워포인트
- 알고리즘
- Animation
- 그로킹 심층 강화학습
- On-policy
- Policy Evaluation
- Q-learning
- Random Search
- 파이토치
- data mismatch
- Reinforcement Learning
- Windows 8 Release Preview
- 셰이프 병합
- 머신러닝
- Monte Carlo
- wp7
- 아두이노
- Machine Learning
- dynamics
- 길벗
- Transformer
- ML
- Neural Network
- State
- Planning
- cnn
- Event
- error
- 자료구조
- 애니메이션
- Argumented Reality
- 챗GPT
- Off-policy evaluation
- distribution shift
- bj퍼블릭
- 허깅페이스
- Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
- grokking deep reinforcement learning
- TinyML
- 심층 강화학습
- Linear TD
- State Aggregation
- Dyna-Q
- Bootstrapping
- Importance Sampling
- Generalized Policy Iteration
- Policy Iteration
- Meta Learning
- TD(0)
- Actor-Critic
- reward-to-go
- Policy Optimization
- Coral Dev Board
- Stochastic Gradient Descent
- trajectory
- iterative learning control
- value function
- error analysis
- score function
- Optimization Verification test
- learning curve
- Machine Learning Yearning
- 루비페이퍼
- autoencoder
- scikit-learn
- gradient descent
- perceptron
- TensorFlow
- Unsupervised Learning
- Windows 10
- Raspberry Pi
- 데이터 분석
- Skeletal Tracking
- DepthData
- renderTransform
- Quantization
- Kickstarter
- ScrollViewer
- StackPanel
- baseline
- Visual Studio 2010
- tap
- Exploration
- 증강현실
- expectation
- Data Binding
- 데이터분석
- Serial
- gradient
- 다이어그램
- Bert
- score
- 자연어처리
- clustering
- Bear
- Adam
- Action
- R
- 수학
- 통계
- 개발자
- 개발
- model
- control
- 트랜스포머
- data science bootcamp
- 판다스라이브러리
- 파이썬의엑셀
- 이미지 처리 바이블
- ai를 위한 필수 수학
- 쓸모있는 ai 서비스 만들기
- 딥러닝의 정석
- Staff Engineer's Path
- Introduction to Computation and Programming using python
- 코딩 뇌를 깨우는 파이썬
- 랭체인
- 기술리더
- MLOps 실전 가이드
- Behavioral Data Analysis
- 행동 데이터 분석
- python for data analysis
- 파이썬 라이브러리를 활용한 데이터분석
- 개발자를 위한 머신러닝&딥러닝
- LangChain
- 러닝 타입스크립트
- 트랜스포머를 활용한 자연어처리
- ChatGPT
- 파이썬 라이브러리를 활용한 텍스트 분석
- Packt
- Extreme C
- 전문가를 위한 C
- 스태프 엔지니어
- pandas in action
- 판다스인액션
- Copilot
- readit
- lattepanda 3 delta
- lattenpanda
- 라떼판다
- bayesian statistics
- Think bayes
- 파이썬을 활용한 베이지안 통계
- 구글 엔지니어는 어떻게 일할까
- Software Engineering at google
- hyperparameter selection
- maximum likelihood
- 파이썬을 활용한 금융분석
- 금융분석
- multi-step rl
- iterative error exploitation
- iterative algorithm
- iterative actor-critic
- one-step rl
- 활용가이드
- Bootstrapping process
- Extrapolation Error
- 제레미 하워드
- deep learning for coders with fastai & pytorch
- 파이썬으로 익히는 말랑말랑 알고리즘
- 비전 시스템을 위한 딥러닝
- 알고리즘 구현으로 배우는 선형대수 with 파이썬
- 파이썬으로 완성하는 비지도 학습 알고리즘
- huggingface
- 데이터 과학자 되는 법
- espruino
- bangle.js
- 파이썬으로 배우는 자료구조 핵심 원리
- 정수 계획법
- 비선형 계획법
- 선형 계획법
- 수학적 최적화
- Deep RL
- PSPNet
- pascal VOC 2012
- bayesian inference
- Contextual Bandit Problem
- Vowpal Wabbit
- Web optimization
- 머신러닝을 활용한 웹 최적화
- 데이터가 뛰어노는 AI놀이터
- Tensorflow Lite for Microcontroller
- 실전 시계열 분석
- Practical Time Series Analysis
- Timeseries Analysis
- 데이터 처리 기술
- 소프트웨어 기술
- 17techs
- Semantic Segmentation
- Coefficient
- LogisticRegression
- Machine Learning for Healthcare
- pulsein
- Conditional GAN
- Convolutional GAN
- GAN 첫걸음
- feature importance
- serious python
- 진지한 파이썬
- Reinforcement Learning Specialization
- linear separability
- halfcheetah
- pi case 40
- Batch RL
- OAK-1
- OpenCV AI Kit
- 비제이퍼블릭
- vgg
- 딥러닝 프레임워크
- 밑바닥부터 시작하는 딥러닝 3
- imitation learning
- adversarial
- Fashion-MNIST
- strengthening dnn
- MLOps
- 데이터 전처리 대전
- GAN 인 액션
- 적대적 생성 네트워크
- GAN in action
- DejaVu Sans Mono
- openpose
- uncertainty
- terminal sharing
- fastai
- Think Julia
- 학교에서 알려주지 않는 17가지 실무 개발 기술
- fastpages
- jointgrid
- pairgrid
- facetgrid
- high variance
- Head First Go
- 이것이 데이터 분석이다 with 파이썬
- slackclient
- Model Zoo
- Pre-Trained Model
- OpenVINO
- Value Function Approximation
- Tile Coding
- Coarse Coding
- seaborn
- read_csv
- World Model
- MuseGAN
- Generative Deep Learning
- 엘리스코딩
- Stochastic Policy Gradient
- Deterministic Policy Gradient
- sparkfun edge
- Post-Training Quantization
- concrete function
- TFLite
- Machine Learning with Python Cookbook
- 파이썬을 활용한 머신러닝 쿡북
- model optimization
- model deploy
- Tensorflow-lite
- Episodic LSTM
- Differentiable Neural Dictionary
- Episodic Control
- TD fixed point
- Linear Function Approximation
- Gradient MC
- TD Learning
- Semi-Gradient
- Gradient Monte Carlo
- meta-gradient RL
- meta-objective
- meta-RL
- Value Error Objective
- offline setting
- online setting
- Linear Value Function Approximation
- 추천단어
- exploration-exploitation trade off
- Dyna-Q+
- inaccurate model
- Q-planning
- model update
- search control
- Direct RL
- Tabular Q-planning
- distribution model
- sample model
- Model-free RL
- Model-based RL
- Expected SARSA
- TD control
- V1605B
- Udoo Bolt V8
- Udoo Bolt
- codinGame
- Temporal Difference Learning
- Importance Sampling Ratio
- Behavior Policy
- Target Policy
- MC Control
- Policy Improvement
- Monte Carlo ES
- 게임으로 익히는 코딩 알고리즘
- MC prediction
- Active Domain Randomization
- DeceptionNet
- Domain Adaptation
- SimOpt
- Value Iteration
- Guided Domain Randomization
- Domain Randomization
- sim2real
- entity resolution
- customer experience
- LSTM Meta Learner
- Model-Agnostic Meta Learning
- Meta Network
- Memory-Augmented Neural Network
- Matching Network
- Convolutional Siamese Neural Network
- Few-shot classification
- hyperparameter
- 텐서플로를 활용한 머신러닝
- Temporal Difference
- Monte-Carlo Method
- Pegasos
- 라즈베리파이 4
- D4PG
- A3C
- Categorical Variable
- OneHotEncoder
- make_column_transfomer
- ColumnTransformer
- markov decision process
- expected return
- law of iterated expectation
- Q-function
- Probability Chain Rule
- Marginal Distribution
- EGLP Lemma
- Grad-Log-Prob
- Generalized Advantage Estimation
- Model-based
- Model-free
- spinning up
- advantage function
- Gaussian Policy
- Categorical Policy
- countvectorizer
- System on Module
- VS C++ 14.0
- Baselines
- Model Predictive Control
- Receding Horizon Control
- approximation
- 레트로의 유니티 게임 프로그래밍 에센스
- retr0
- Stochastic Approximation
- C51
- p2.xlarge
- gpu instance
- Sagemaker
- dphys-swapfile
- swapfile
- Nichols-Ziegler
- Nestrov`s method
- Lur`e Problem
- Datacenter cooling
- Metalearning
- Uniform Sampling
- system identification
- norminal control
- domain knowledge
- pd control
- proportional derivative
- linear dynamical system
- lqr
- linear quadratic regulator
- batch normalization
- generalize
- linearization principle
- minimizer
- Arduino Nano
- predictive analytics
- mean_squared_error
- Random Forest Regression
- Blackbox monitoring
- 이것이 C#이다
- state value function
- Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning
- Windows 10 SDK
- ppo
- partially observable
- fully observable
- observability
- human-level perromance
- human-level performance
- error attribution
- task simplicity
- Data availability
- hand-engineered
- sentiment classifier
- reward function
- overfit
- data synthesis
- test set
- dev set
- training dev set
- training set
- consistent data
- high bias
- OpenAI
- elegant scipy
- 우아한 사이파이
- Fraud detection
- Value-state function
- deterministic
- Bellman Equation
- convolutional
- 핸즈온 머신러닝
- 처음 배우는 딥러닝 수학
- loss function
- argmax
- classfication
- Generative Adversarial Networks
- Generative Adversarial Network
- 가면 증후군
- cyclegan
- 학습 곡선
- 시계열 분석
- saddle point
- 이것이 자바다
- 다이렉트 X 12
- 캐글
- LeetCode
- Proportional
- data preprocessing
- Derivative
- cost function
- hypothesis
- linear regression
- 심층강화학습
- regularization
- reinforcement
- 비지도학습
- 타입스크립트
- VS Code
- supervisor call
- page map
- 데이터 전처리
- jupyter
- 텐서플로
- DeepMind
- The division
- 더 디비전
- 알파고
- unsupervised
- supervised
- 군집화
- 데이터 과학
- Kaggle
- deep learning
- Java8
- virtual address
- pandas
- Jax
- coursera
- lipo
- dyna
- convexity
- ope
- Office 15
- Office 2013
- visual micro
- closestPoint
- OnTapped
- Windows.UI
- rgbdemo
- Skanect
- manctl
- Kinect Explorer
- Multiple Kinect
- MZ-7PC128
- Expression Web 4
- netduino
- Expression Encoder 4
- object and timeline
- Hello Windows 8
- Gradient tool
- Layout Container
- Expression Design 4
- Programming Windows
- ltoa
- pngBitmapEncoder
- PixelData
- ColorImageStream
- Syncfusion Metro Studio
- ProgressRing
- Hands On Lab
- BingAPI
- Setting Charm
- Snapping
- Application Bar
- Trail Renderer
- 스케치플로우
- Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK
- Application UI
- Wide Logo
- ComboBoxItem
- gridline
- AllFrameReady
- 베이지안
- AudioSource
- Phoenix Pro
- Qualcomm IT tour
- Meet the Kinect
- Making Things See
- LineBreak
- FontFamily
- Player Detection
- imageFrame
- Causality
- compositeTransform
- 빛의 효과
- BitmapEncoder
- 간단한 애니메이션
- FrameCount
- 셰이프 빼기
- MITx
- Andrea Mosaic
- 음성인지
- Audio Fundamental
- Speech Recognization
- 도넛모양 그래프
- 자유형 도형
- Extension tool manager
- 3차원회전
- 3차원서식
- Andrew Ng
- PathListBox
- epsilon
- Charles Petzold
- generalization
- 우수학술도서
- IBus
- 삼성 SSD
- Computation
- strtok_r
- Pattern recognition
- adr
- 리드잇
- OAuth
- histogram
- 데이터 타입
- pull up
- physical address
- Directed Acyclic Graph
- 470
- convex
- Splash screen
- observation
- 보조배터리
- Reptile
- 고객 경험
- Imagine Cup
- stochastic
- utilization
- Requests
- ComboBox
- Detector
- Bluetooth low energy
- tradeoff
- slack
- 벡터이미지
- Detection
- dropout
- virtual machine
- throughput
- bleak
- Achievements
- 코딩테스트
- Bellman
- Qualcomm
- 설치 오류
- objective
- Activate
- Direct X
- 20달러
- 선형대수
- concurrency
- FileStream
- Feature
- gridview
- indexOf
- texture
- Oak
- Latency
- 포토모자이크
- dopaMINE
- predict
- 입문서
- aws
- finger tracking
- nlp
- segmentation
- 시간복잡도
- Storyboard
- Dag
- 확률분포
- Component
- 오라일리
- discrimination
- 기계학습
- Freezing
- 컴퓨터 비전
- vm
- 온라인강의
- navigation
- 글자효과
- G.Skill
- poet
- 830
- compiler
- 안정성
- Tracking
- 번역서
- 맞춤법 검사기
- Agent
- 만세!!!
- algorithm
- Pi
- Soft
- Effect
- 웹기술
- timestamp
- OpenCV
- parser
- 엘리스
- Debug
- Head First
- theme
- julia
- linear algebra
- integral
- 재귀함수
- progressbar
- Fusion
- Double
- 줄리아
- Shallow
- Recording
- embedded
- Grid
- manipulation
- 바둑
- Recorder
- Convolution
- office
- 예측
- ColorPicker
- ann
- 코딩
- 한글 입력
- gym
- filter
- swap
- TD
- Bluetooth
- 교보문고
- 자동완성
- Image Processing
- HR
- C#
- border
- margin
- batch
- Monitoring
- 정렬
- Unity
- Process
- 배열
- Mask
- 그라데이션
- Touch
- Screen
- string
- search
- computer science
- 퀄컴
- learning
- Rhino3D
- font
- mit
- .net
- Logo
- 논문
- Text
- 회전
- 무료
- Kernel
- javascript
- GO
- Hello World
- Run
- 3D
- Manning
- 대박
- 블로그
- 케이스
- player
- 검색
- System
- oracle
- 게임
- Make
- 사진
- 책
- OpenGL
최근에 올라온 글
최근에 달린 댓글
- Total
- Today
- Yesterday
- 한빛미디어
- Pipeline
- PowerPoint
- windows 8
- End-To-End
- DepthStream
- 파이썬
- Kinect
- Variance
- reward
- Offline RL
- dynamic programming
- 강화학습
- ColorStream
- Kinect SDK
- Gan
- Off-policy
- arduino
- Policy Gradient
- processing
- SketchFlow
- TensorFlow Lite
- 딥러닝
- ai
- Windows Phone 7
- Distribution
- Kinect for windows
- RL
- Expression Blend 4
- bias
일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
30 | 31 |
글 보관함