티스토리 뷰


Visual Studio 2010 Achievements

생각많은 소심남 2012. 2. 4. 01:20
VS 2010에 보면 Extension tool manager 란 항목이 있습니다.
코딩을 하는데 있어서 기본적으로 제공하는 툴이외에도 사용자가 직접 애드온식으로 만들 툴을 활용할 수 있게 되어 있습니다. 그중에 재미있는게 있어서 소개합니다.

바로 Coding4fun에서 만든 Achievements인데 형식이 특정 조건을 만족하면 포인트를 얻는 식으로 되어있습니다.
점수를 얻는 기준에 대해서 궁금했었는데 Channel 9 홈페이지에 그 조건들이 있네요.

  • Write a class with ten levels of inheritance. Now that's a sweet inheritance! Uses FxCop.
  • Field Master (0 points)
    Have 100 fields in a single class. Gnarly! Uses FxCop
  • Magic Numbers (0 points)
    Write a enum with 30 fields. Who needs numbers when you've got words! Uses FxCop
  • Job Security (0 points)
    Write 20 single letter class level variables in one file. Kudos to you for being cryptic! Uses FxCop
  • Scroll Bar Wizard (0 points)
    Write a single line of 300 characters long. Who needs carriage returns? Uses FxCop
  • Localization Guru (10 points)
    Have 1000 localized values. Nice localization work!
  • Invoke the 'Close All But This' menu option 10 times. I mean, who invented those damn tabs anyway?
  • Install 10 extensions to Visual Studio. How can you find anything on a menu?
  • Stubby (5 points)
    Generate method stubs 9 times. You're a TDD bad ass!
  • Cheater (5 points)
    Invoke an IntelliTrace Menu 10 times. Tools rule! Learn more about Intellitrace.
  • Architect (5 points)
    Add 10 items to a sequence diagram. You're not just a developer; you're an architect! Learn more about sequence diagrams.
  • Performance (5 points)
    Invoke performance tools 10 times. Why is this app running so slow? Now I know! Learn more about analyzing application performance using profiling tools.
  • Gotta Be Different (5 points)
    Load custom Visual Studio settings. I swear, they never get the default settings right.
  • Time For An Upgrade (10 points)
    A solution takes 10 minutes to compile. Dag, that's one enormous solution!
  • Complex (10 points)
    Have 50 projects in a solution. That's kinda scary.
  • Reference 25 assemblies. Hey, why should you write it if someone else already did?
  • Used 'Organize Usings' 50 times. Unused usings are evil!
  • UML God (5 points)
    Create a UML Class Diagram 10 times. Code is for sissies. Models! Models! Models! Learn more about UML in Visual Studio.
  • Potty Mouth (5 points)
    Use 5 different curse words in a file. Wash that mouth out with soap!
  • Go To Hell (0 points)
    Use of the goto keyword. Um, I heard it was a best practice that you weren't supposed to do that anymore.
  • Suspicious (10 points)
    Use 5 preprocessor directives. Compiler commands -- aren't you fancy!
  • Regional Manager (7 points)
    Add 10 regions to a class. Your code is so readable, if I only didn't have to keep collapsing and expanding!
  • The Explorer (5 points)
    Start a debug session using step into (F11) more than 10 times. Ah, the power of F11. Every coder's best friend.
  • Casual Observer (5 points)
    Start a debug session using step over (F10) more than 10 times. I thank the debugger every day.
  • Lonely (5 points)
    Code on a Friday or Saturday night. Coding? Tonight? Ouch.
  • Equal Opportunist (10 points)
    Write a class with public, private, protected and internal members. It's all about scope. Uses FxCop
  • Interrupting Cow (5 points)
    Have 10 breakpoints in a file.Where's that bug? Could here, could be there, could be anywhere!
  • Start Me Up (5 points)
    Have 3 startup projects. You've got a lot on your plate!
  • Save A Tree (5 points)
    Print source code. My boss told me to. I swear!
  • Overload (5 points)
    More than 10 overloads of a method. You could go with this or you could go with that. Uses FxCop

    딩으로 이런 재미도 유발할 수 있다는 데서 아이디어가 참신한 것 같습니다. 